The Gleeks were out in force, and Fox was nice enough to supply bleachers for those who had waited all day for a spot overlooking the red carpet. Arrivals were accompanied by a Glee soundtrack sing-along and screams of delight.
I was excited to meet the remaining contenders of the Glee Project – Alex, Cameron, Damian, Lindsay, Samuel and Hannah – and of course Mr. Robert J. Ulrich.
Since I had already seen the movie, I was eager to meet some of the real people who were pulled from the crowd and featured in the movie. It was fun to talk with Janae and Trenton, as they took it all in. Little Kellen melted hearts as he worked the press line in his Warbler outfit.
Of course, it was a thrill to talk to Glee cast members – but you’ll just have to watch to see which ones…