[This promotion has now ended. Thank you to everyone who entered. We hope our winners enjoyed the show!]
JENNiRADIO has pairs of tickets to give away to the Albuquerque Little Theatre’s limited run of Cabaret. This high-energy musical is full of political and adult themes, so it is not recommended for young children. Performances are Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm, and Sundays at 2pm, through November 6th.
To enter, send an email to tix@jenniradio.com.
Winners will be selected at random throughout the show’s run. Final entry deadline for performances on 11/4, 11/5 and 11/6 is 11:59pm MST on November 3rd. Winners will be notified by email or phone, depending on the contact information they used to enter. One entry per household. Winner receives one pair of tickets to one performance. To purchase tickets, visit the theatre’s web site here.